About Us

Welcome to www.HealthcareSupplyChains.com!

The growing impact and need for integrated supply chain solutions have been of immense interest in the B2B world for the last four decades, expanding cross-industry from retail to transportation, manufacturing, energy, telecom, and banking.  Now, the healthcare industry is following suit.

The growing need to implement cost saving measures and procedures that will increase efficiencies is becoming of paramount interest to every hospital, GPO, insurance provider and healthcare oriented manufacturer and supplier.  The input costs of healthcare are rising quickly and one of the most impactful ways to maintain profitability is to diminish costs and inefficient fulfillment processes by transitioning to an integrated supply chain.

This website is going to be a repository of information on all things related to Healthcare Supply Chains, from software solutions and providers, to industry specific articles, advice from experts in the field, as well as relevant news articles, blogs, and industry updates.  If your role and professional focus is centered upon or directly deals with the supply chain or fulfillment practices than this website will be an excellent point of reference for you.  Please feel free to follow us to receive notifications of updates, blog and article postings.  We would also love to hear from you and are always open to suggestions or requests on industry focal points, helpful information, or areas that could be addressed.  Please post your comments and requests and we will be in touch.  Welcome to HealthcareSupplyChains.com and thank you for visiting our site.

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